Sunday, November 30, 2014

                               Autobiographical Narrative                                                   

Ana  is the name that my parents gave me. That is who I will talk about. I was born on March 2. I am the only girl out of three boys. I am the second child out of the four my parents had. I grew up in in a house full of my grandparents dogs. I have always lived with my grandparents my grandma and grandpa are like my second parents. They raised me other than my parents of course. When I was a little girl I was very spoiled because there was only two children in the house my brother and I. Know a days there are like a bunch of kids in my house. I have so many cousins that I sometimes can’t keep count. The first school that I went to was Van Ness elementary school. I went there from the ages 7 to around 10 I’m not sure. I don’t really remember that time because I was too young. I do remember something’s though. For example I remember when we had play time in class. Now a days all we do is homework and take test. I loved play time in class now that I am older I see that life is not a game and as I get older I see the responsibility that adults have. After I graduated from elementary school I went on to middle school. Middle school was three very good years and there were many good experiences that I had during that time.  For my sixth grade year of middle school I went to Bancroft Middle School. When I got to that school there were only a few people that I knew because the kids that I knew went to other schools. Eventually I made friends I had many good memories with them. We went out to eat we went to hang out at the parks and stuff like that. Until one day my parent said that we were moving to another place far away. So that meant that I could not go to the same school and that I had to make new friends all over.  I was not happy that I had to go to a school where I didn’t know anyone at all. The only thing that was good about us moving was that I got to live somewhere new. After the school year ended I went to go live in Lancaster and I did my seventh grade year of middle school there.          


    When I moved to Lancaster I was not happy but not sad. I was looking forward to moving to a new home. I was also looking forward to living somewhere new. I was sad about going somewhere new where I didn’t know anyone. In Lancaster everything was different school started in different times of the years also the weather was different. I eventually went to a new school made some new friends. My family and I adjusted to a new town and got to learn where the places were. Even though I was not too excited about moving somewhere new but I eventually feel in love with Lancaster. When my parents decide to move back to L.A. I was not too happy because I had grown to love Lancaster. So my family and I moved back to L.A. I was sad because I had to leave Lancaster and I had to move schools once more. We moved back to my old house and I had to go back to my old school. Soon did I know that Bancroft would not accept me I was sad because I had to go to school were I didn’t want to go because I heard many bad thing about that school. My mom went to enroll me to that school and I was not too happy about that. So that is  were I started my last year of middle school. Le Conte Middle school was not as bad as I though as I would be. I saw many of my old friend from elementary school and also mad some new friends. I graduated from Le Conte middle school with honor classes and began a new chapter in my life High School.


High school was not what I thought I would be like. I always thought that High school would be like in the movies I would watch. Were there was the popular mean girl and when I came to lunch where would you sit but now that I am in high school it is not what it seems. It’s not like in the movies high school will be good or bad if you make it that way. I am currently going to Fairfax high school I have been going to this school for almost 3 year I’m almost done doing my third year at this school. This school is very good there are very good teacher that I have had and there are some bad one’s but you are  just going to have to not let that  get in your way and just keep moving forward. I like I high school and I’m going to be proud when I graduate from this school and when I do hopefully another good chapter in my life will begin. I hope to go to a good collage and start a career in nursing. I want to work in a hospital to learn and to be able to help people that are in need. My life has just started I still have so many thing to learn and so far this is all that has happened to me that has taken effect on my life.           

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

            What is an American.

An american is many types of things it all depends on how you think. To some people an american is someone who lives in America. To other people an American is someone who is legal in the states. Well to me it means many things to be an American. Being American is a privilege for me. I have many reasons why I think that to be an America it is a privilege .For example not all places are as good as the United States. In some of the other countries there might not be laws if there are laws  people of authority don't follow them. I have heard stories that people of authority for example policemen beat people. I personally don't think that is right and that is also very unfair. People should not be treated like this unless that person has done something wrong and if they did do wrong they will be punished by the state not by being beaten. Another reason why I think that being an American is a privilege is another country's people are not as safe as they are here in the States. I have heard that people have gotten killed because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also people have gotten killed because they have  had to do things that involve the wrong people because they needed to help feed or help support their families. Finally the last reason why I think that being in this country is a privilege is because not in all countries they have many good opportunities. For kids don't go to school because they don't have any schools. In some countries the kids don't even get past the 6th grade because they need to go to work to help their families. If if the kids to go to school I bet that they don't even have good books or they don't even have desk like we do here in our schools. The the kids here in the States don't see that they have it good here. They don't have to work at a young age. They also don't see the kids don't even have school supplies to work with in some places. In conclusion I'm not saying that the United States is best place on earth it does have bad people bad things do  happen here in this country. It is better than other places though. So this is why I think that being an American is a privilege and I am grateful for that.